By googoogaga - 13/03/2010 15:13 - United States

Today, I went to IHOP for breakfast. As we were leaving, I realized a little girl took my Hello Kitty hairclip. For the next 5 minutes, I fought with an 8 year-old for a hairclip. She won. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 455
You deserved it 28 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kitt_en 0

I feel ya, OP. It's not immature to be wearing cute hair clips. A lot of people also do that. It's stupid that the kid got your hair clip. You'd think her parents would notice that it's not hers and maker her give it back...


omg, you really are a retard, who the **** argues over a hairclip anyway? get a life

Arsenic_Cupcake 0

Holy shit! I would have punted that little girl. I would have battle for that hair clip too!

this is comprehensable. i mean u cant expect sum1 who owns hello kitty stuff to be able to defend themselves

if a little kid steals an small mostly in valuable it from me. iam letting the little kid have it. why? most people will take the kids side and in most cases you will come out looking like the ass

What did the girl's mother do while this was going on? Encouraging her daughter to steal some IHOP flatwear as well?!

Wow, according to all the comments out here stealing is ok? *goes out to steal a car*

Gazoooo 0

Next tine hold the little blueberry syrup over their head. Effective for both young and old.

The__Redneck 7

If you didn't belt that little thief, you deserve to lose the clip. Next time, jackslap the shit. Even if you don't get back what was stolen, you get the pleasure of physically harming a thief--and just maybe stopped the next theft, because the kid's parents are obviously too incompetent to do something about it.

you really shouldn't have added that it was hello kitty because that made ydi