FML for mobile
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By muffinmen1022 - 20/02/2009 05:27 - United States

Today, I went to Macy's to go shopping, I was wearing a shirt and tie and dressed nicely. Customers came up to me with questions, but I just ignored them. Minutes later, thinking I was an employee, the manager came and yelled at me, and threatened to fire me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 440
You deserved it 11 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can always tell the customers that you don't work there.

Now's the time to strike back at your boss-wannabe! Employees of another workplace unite!


Now's the time to strike back at your boss-wannabe! Employees of another workplace unite!

nosajb23_fml 0

ah man i would love for that to happen to me think of all the creative ways u could make him look like a jerk

Since the only risk is losing a job you don't have, tell them you work too damn hard & you either want a raise or YOU QUIT!

You can always tell the customers that you don't work there.

stedfastwolf 11

that would be funny if it happened to me

that's what you get for dressing like that

Yeah, don't be rude and ignore people just because they think you work there, OP.

Talk to people? Are you out of your mind? :p

you should have pretended to be an employee and flipped out

haha, thats what i was thinking too lol

super nice.. why doesnt that ever happen to me? XD

moig_fml 0

granted this is a decent FML, id say it could be more appropriately called the opportunity of a lifetime haha i wouldve went off on the manager. kind of like that dane cook bit about already losing your reference so you might as well go out in style hahahaa

#13 - The great thing about America? You cheap mf'ers can and will sue anybody for anything. Good for you.

Yeah F*CK!!!! I HATE #13 SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!!!! HOW THE F*CK CAN YOU ARGUE LIKE THAT!!! "yeah, he confused me with an employee, so i just sue the living mother f*cking sh*t out of this place! Yeah, i rock". YOU ARE A MORON!!!!!!

#10 hilarious i love dane!!!! #12- so true say everything you want to say to your real boss.... 'your the most conceded lazy good for nothing sack of dog turd i've ever met. go **** yourself before i smash your face into your microscope' [erm wait that's my boss lol]

M_I_A 0

you should have said you were going to sue. you could have banked off of macy's!