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By Anonymous - 09/07/2013 16:07 - United States - Katy

Today, I went to my local pool. I lay down in a chair and started tanning. About 30 minutes later, a lady came up to me and said, "Put that away, you pervert, there are children here!" I had a hole in my pants and my penis had started to poke through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 743
You deserved it 23 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caitiebug1119 15

Your life sucks, but I gotta ask: did you not feel a breeze or something down there?

flashback.miss 28

Parents jumping to conclusions, @@ but yeah, 1 has a point, didn't you feel a draft or was it warm at the pool? Hopefully you explained and things worked out okay. Just take a lesson to double check your clothes next time. :)


caitiebug1119 15

Your life sucks, but I gotta ask: did you not feel a breeze or something down there?

As a man I can tell u, if ur legs are

TheElBurrrito 21

He has a "hole" in his pants. He just happened to rip a hole in them from having an erection from all this little boys.

It's summer. How the hell are you guna feel a breeze?

then000bster 16

Has no one notices why this is truly an fml? The dude was TANNING!!! I don't know of any guy friends that seriously tan unless their girlfriend is next to them or they aren't really men.

The question is why was he wearring pants while tanning?...

RedPillSucks 31

Why did he not have underwear?

assassinbanana0 20

Who wears underwear while at a pool? That's what bathing suits are for.. And the reason he had pants on is because he was in a PUBLIC pool

101- but thats what swim trunks are for. Do they not make those anymore?

flashback.miss 28

Parents jumping to conclusions, @@ but yeah, 1 has a point, didn't you feel a draft or was it warm at the pool? Hopefully you explained and things worked out okay. Just take a lesson to double check your clothes next time. :)

Jumping to conclusions? Her conclusion was that his penis was out! Or are you saying that it's somehow better for children to see an accidental penis over an intentional one? I'd think they'd look the same.

@50 Is it really that horrendous? Kids seeing a part of the human anatomy? "Oh no, not seeing a part of our own HUMAN BODY!! WHAT A TERROR!! Parents need to grow the **** up. I love how to expect their 'darling angel' teens to be frolicking about in daisy fields, when really they're masturbating, experimenting and watching **** every chance they get.

I didn't say it was horrendous, 68. Now you're the one jumping to conclusions.

She was jumping to the conclusion that because his penis was out, he must be a pervert.

Conservative parents are pathetic these days. We must be the only animals on earth to be shocked at our own anatomy. "Oh NO, not our own HUMAN BODY!! OH MAH GOD, PERRVERT!! CALL THE POHLEECE NAO!" Shutup pathetic woman.

assassinbanana0 20

Why would you wear those pants if they had a hole in them??? If you had no idea about the hole, then my apologies

Obviously he didn't realize there was a hole (unless op truly is a pervert) or else he most likely would've chosen a different pair

assassinbanana0 20

That's why I apologized ahead of time in case he had no idea. But alright. My mistake

If you realized mid-post that you were wrong then DON'T POST IT

assassinbanana0 20

Because i don't know if I'm wrong or not. There is a possibility that OP, like many people, would still wear the clothes even if there are holes in it, and it could have either stretched or maybe was positioned just right that his dick would pop out a bit Or there is the other possibility that he had no idea about the hole

You don't wear clothes when you know they have a hole in it unless they're jeans, and even I don't do's safe to say and more likely he didn't know...

assassinbanana0 20

Alright alright. I take fault for my stupid comment. You win some and you lose some.

i completely agree! i wear clothes with holes in them all the time.

Bloody penises these days, developing a mind of their own... Penis with an agenda.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Yeah, I know what you mean. My penis always manages to get in the way.

RedPillSucks 31

Pool time peep show! Thank god no one called the cops or anything.

Enjoy your skin cancer, pervert. I kid, I kid! Not really.

Wizardo 33

We can only hope he got sunburn on his head... and not the one on top if you know what I mean.

Smoldering 15

I totally just read that in Dr. Zoidburg's voice anyone else?

How do you not notice that? If it was a large enough hole for your penis, it either should've been obvious or you may want to click that sketchy add on the side of a **** site and "Grow 6 iches!"

Small objects dont need as big of a hole

Don't wear pants with holes in them. Problem solved.

perdix 29

#8, then how do you put your legs through them?

rg350dx 29

#8 wears a onesie to the pool.

And here I was thinking I was the only one that went swimming in a onesie.

Onesie makes it a little hard to tan though.

MEM0817 18

"Put the mouse back in the house... This is a family place!" Someone has to know where that's from...

F.r.i.e.n.d.s for sure! Haha where was Gunther when u needed him

MEM0817 18

Yay I knew someone would get it! :]

I was actually thinking of a different reference, Spongebob, when Patrick went tanning "Dude, put that thing away, there are like, children here!"

hunteryager 18

Just imagine the tan line you could get there!