By Anonymous - 09/07/2013 16:07 - United States - Katy

Today, I went to my local pool. I lay down in a chair and started tanning. About 30 minutes later, a lady came up to me and said, "Put that away, you pervert, there are children here!" I had a hole in my pants and my penis had started to poke through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 746
You deserved it 23 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caitiebug1119 15

Your life sucks, but I gotta ask: did you not feel a breeze or something down there?

flashback.miss 28

Parents jumping to conclusions, @@ but yeah, 1 has a point, didn't you feel a draft or was it warm at the pool? Hopefully you explained and things worked out okay. Just take a lesson to double check your clothes next time. :)


How do you not notice that your penis is partially exposed? Wouldn't you like, feel a breeze down there?

MooseKnuckle5150 13

You're lucky that's all you got. Some people will get shitty and call the cops and mark you as a sex offender and screw the rest of your life up.

Could have been worse. Chris Hansen could have been telling you to take a seat right over there.

hunteryager 18

"Why dont you take a seat? Just take a sit right over there."

xmlguy 14

I'm not sure I've ever actually met a man that goes out and tans.

Brings a whole new meaning to awkward.

Awww, that's a horrible situation to be in.. but next time, check yourself just in case.

AnonForAReason 11

You need to check yourself before you leave