By irishbabycakes - 25/01/2010 10:27 - United States

Today, I went to my step-sister's for family dinner. Her husband was really drunk and openly hit on me in front of most of my family. I nonchalantly ignored his advances. Later, my step-mom said it would not have happened if I didn't dress like a skank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 348
You deserved it 5 967

Same thing different taste

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Tell your step-mom that maybe it wouldn't happen if her daughter put out.

that's not your fault,maybe his true feelings were coming out;) lol


why did people press the u deserve it button? she really didn't do anything! !!

#33 1st: She never said she was in a relationship. 2nd: She never said she was dressed "skanky". 3rd:It wasn't in public. Plus: so in your opinion people deserve to be harassed because of the way they dress? You see the problem with the victim and not the problem with the offender harassing them? REALLY? People like you disgust me.