By irishbabycakes - 25/01/2010 10:27 - United States

Today, I went to my step-sister's for family dinner. Her husband was really drunk and openly hit on me in front of most of my family. I nonchalantly ignored his advances. Later, my step-mom said it would not have happened if I didn't dress like a skank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 348
You deserved it 5 967

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FistPump 0

Tell your step-mom that maybe it wouldn't happen if her daughter put out.

that's not your fault,maybe his true feelings were coming out;) lol


Tell Stepmonster to wake up. There's a whole world full of women out there who --OMG-- show their ankles. Looks like her son-in-law can't be trusted off his chain. Or even when he's still on it.

Tell Stepmonster to wake up. There's a whole world full of women out there who --OMG-- show their ankles. Looks like her son-in-law can't be trusted off his chain. Or even when he's still on it.

catkat1988 17

Yeah, I'm sure whatever happened can't possibly have been your precious step-brother-in-law's fault. Generally, men are never at fault no matter what happens. The woman could've dressed differently, kept her mouth shut and stayed in the kitchen. Obviously. Jeez, some people are unbelievable! As someone already said, I think you should talk to your step-sister about it some time soon when your step-mom isn't around.

youthink_fml 0

Obviously your step-brother's fault for not being able to handle his alcohol, but damn! if your step-mom says you dress skanky, you certainly weren't wearing a heavy winter coat and burlap pants. Why would you dress like that to a family dinner?

Why in the world would you ever wear a "heavy winter coat and burlap pants" to dinner?

What's your problem, #17 ? Are you a taliban?? Only her hands and face were showing!! How is that skanky???

Maddoctor 10

Are you going to say that to everyone Moemoemoe?

yakturk43 0

Even if she was dressed skanky it doesn't give him the right to be a horny drunk and hit on his sister-in-law. FYL

mn_mpls 0

In soviet russia, ***** dresses like you!

irishbabycakes 0

Sorry to burst your bubble, but why would anyone in their right mind dress proactively for a FAMILY dinner? It's not like I was trying to impress anyone in JEANS and a HOODIE. Forgive me if my hands were my face were showing, better put my ski mask and gloves on so he doesn't get the wrong impression.

No, sounds like time for a burqa. And it'll complement your BiL & SM's attitudes perfectly.

Sounds like your step-mom is a bitter bitch. FYL, but same for your sister. She's the one who has a jerk of a husband. If he acts that way in front of everyone he's probably sleeping around on her. If you're close with her I'd have a talk with her if I were you. Your dad should probably man up and stick up for you and tell your step-mom off. No reason she should talk to you like that.

Skanks in hoodies, that be a new one. Well, maybe not, it does get cold in New Jersey. But your step-mom is a bitch.

On the plus side, you're clearly more attractive than your step-sister. I'm guessing you're not into her husband though. You should probably have a talk with him to prevent this happening in the future.

I KNEW it had to be some sort of clothing like that! Thank you for confirming it OP. :) The stepmother is indeed a complete moron. It's obvious that people don't dress skanky for family gatherings, but I can't believe the amount of 12 years olds on this site saying crap like "YDI" and calling you names merely based on the filth that stupidity suggests to their minds. It's infuriating, the level of idiocy.

irishbabycakes 0

hahaha neither, you need double d's to attempt things like that. not all of us jersey girls are guidettes, thank god.

your step mom was being a bitch. and tell his wife to control him. btw, why the hell didn't your husband do anything about that?

Anne553 0

mabye she doesn't have a husband?

Maddoctor 10

Personally, I'd really like to know what happened after. That's why I love it when OP's comment, because FML's never give us the after story.