By Manstobe92 - 16/11/2009 07:32 - United States

Today, I went to pick my date up at her house. When I got to the door, her dad answered. We talked for a little bit and he told me to take his 1958 Corvette. I politely refused and he told me, "If I can trust you with my daughter, I can trust you with my car." I crashed into his mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 651
You deserved it 40 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiny_cactus 0

At that point, you might as well have just had your way with the daughter. Your relationship with her dad is pretty irreparable.

Should of said...thats how hard i'm gonna HIT THAT and drove off full speed.


you fkn deserved it!!! holy crap! a 58 is an amazing car, ad you carelessly just ram it into a mailbox, goodjob if you dont dont know how to drive dont drive another mans car YDI

I hate you. Crashing a car like that is a one way ticket to hell.

capthavoc123 0

I don't get how all these people who write FMLs like these suddenly become the worst drivers in the world when they get behind the wheel of a car made before 1970.

He let you use the Vette because there is no room to bang his darling daughter in it. I had a dad do the same thing with his new Cherokee. We 4wheeled out to the middle of nowhere and screwed each other silly. Never let the boy borrow something with a fold down back seat unless you like cleanig the carpets;)

Reyo 2

Ok, here's what you say to him. "I was driving down the road when this mailbox came out of nowhere and hit your car."'s fool proof...

i'm going to say that he probably isn't normally a bad driver. in this case i'm going to assume that he was nervous, and when he gets nervous he turns into a bad driver. when i'm driving somebody's nice car i drive extra careful, and try to not be nervous so that doesn't happen. also..he crashed into the father's mailbox, which means he may have been backing out of the driveway, in which case, he wouldn't have been going really fast, so there probably isn't that much damage. i hit a mailbox in my moms plymouth neon because of black ice i was going like 30 mph and the box hit the windshield and everything, i just cracked the front license plate holder. so yea. stop saying he's a horrible driver. shit ******* happens. and i bet it wasn't even that big of a deal.

it's always a big deal when you hit anything with a '58 Corvette. This is not a Plymouth Neon and to even consider a Neon and a piece of history in the same conversation is absurd. I have a '69 Cougar and I get pissed when people touch the paint with their bare hands. And even worse, people with blue jeans leaning against it. Hitting a mailbox would infuriate me, especially if I had a '58 Vette.

ostrichman1 0

i have a 68 mustang and if anyone crashed it i might have to have them castrated. the only thing that might be exscusable is no many people can manage manual steering or manual breaks if they used to driving modern cars. classics take a fair amount of arm and leg strength to manage

basically what i am saying is that it probably isnt even really damaged. trust me i understand a neon and a classic antique car are TWO different things i'm not an idiot. what i'm saying is that it's probably not a big deal. and i'm sure he can afford to fix a poor little scratch.

I'm sure he can afford it. What I'm saying, though, is that it is a big deal. Fixing any kind of damage on a classic car is difficult. You have to have a shop that you trust and that won't rip you off. Matching the paint isn't as easy as you might think. Dents don't just pull out like they do on today's cars. A deep scratch on a $5,000 paint job isn't repaired with a wax and polish. All the headache and money that would be required; just because the little prick can't avoid a stationary mailbox. Yeah, I'd be pissed.

If he was as protective of his car as you all seem to be, he shouldn't have forced the OP to drive it.

Plowed through the mailbox Plow through the daughter... simple

YDI for being a crappy driver. and for probably trying to be cool by driving fast for your date. what a loser, no sympathy here

IMB916 0


Erindub 0

Well you did stick it in her butt though didn't you??? Of course you can't be trusted with his daughter!