By Manstobe92 - 16/11/2009 07:32 - United States

Today, I went to pick my date up at her house. When I got to the door, her dad answered. We talked for a little bit and he told me to take his 1958 Corvette. I politely refused and he told me, "If I can trust you with my daughter, I can trust you with my car." I crashed into his mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 651
You deserved it 40 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiny_cactus 0

At that point, you might as well have just had your way with the daughter. Your relationship with her dad is pretty irreparable.

Should of said...thats how hard i'm gonna HIT THAT and drove off full speed.


I couldn't agree ANY more, plus your not father-in-law is awesome. Idiot.

You crashed his 1958 corvette and your still alive? That's a MLIA and not a FML.

I can't believe you crashed a Corvette! A 1958 for that matter. YDI, you disgrace!

Comeone guys this isnt an ydi, everyone has their ****-ups, his just happened to be behind the wheel of a really expensive car.

Pretty sure this is kind of what happened in The Hangover...except they used an antique Mercedes and went to Vegas...but the dad gave about the same shpiel. Plus...if it was your date, probably the first, what kind of person would just hand over the keys to a classic 1958 Corvette like that? I mean, my brother took forever to let my boyfriend drive his 350z when my boyfriend already has 2 Z's and knows way more about them then my brother. I'm calling this a fake.

joemk2012 0

I can't tell if you did more damage to mail or males. Either way I believe your package should be taken away (and I don't mean the mail type of package).

PutDownTheGun 0

YDI for being a terrible driver. You should at least know how to drive a stick.

Nah, you're silly. Not everyone needs to know how to drive manual transmission. Only sports cars nowadays have them.

jrs0118 0

MANUAL is the way to go.. you can control your speed better. i hate automatic cars. if you don't know how to drive stick, you don't know how to drive. lazy ass faces.

wow way to get screwed without touching a girl