By Amanda - 11/08/2009 05:52 - United States

Today, I went to Safeway. Go in, get stuff, come out, and I have almost no room to get into my car because an SUV was parked in a compact spot next to me all crooked. Irritated, I got a pen and paper and wrote 'Nice parking you F*ing idiot' and stuck it on the windshield. Then I notice someone was in the SUV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 182
You deserved it 46 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol. Who cares? I think that it's awesome that you got the chance to show them who you are. **** 'em for being inconsiderate assholes.

LadyKaya 0

If you didn't want to tell the person who parked the car how bad of a job they did, don't go screwing with other people's cars. Grow some balls or go home quietly.


Well, the fact someone was in the car doesn't stop him/her from being a douchebag for his/her poor parking, so... I'd say you should be glad you wrote the note! (S)he still deserves to be told off for parking like a moron! Seriously. Who cares? It'd be a FML if (s)he saw the note right then, got out, and bashed your car up.

Well, the fact someone was in the car doesn't stop him/her from being a douchebag for his/her poor parking, so... I'd say you should be glad you wrote the note! (S)he still deserves to be told off for parking like a moron! Seriously. Who cares? It'd be a FML if (s)he saw the note right then, got out, and bashed your car up.

sewer 0

Good, they deserved that note. Just unfortunate that there was someone sitting in the car because 1. you look like an idiot writing a note when someone's right there and 2. it's not about having balls, its about it not being a big enough deal to waste the time to argue in person.

Bathory_fml 0

I hate people like you. How do you know that the person in the car isn't waiting for someone that will be in the store for only a few minutes? You don't. They can't expect to know if you're getting back before they leave or not. And if you really ******* cared you could have simply asked the person in the car to move it. Assuming you stopped being such an idiot and noticed them. I hope your license gets revoked, bitch. And sewer, if it's "not that big a deal", why don't you stop wasting paper on stupid notes?

Ugh! Where do I begin???? "....people like you" ..... what? people who care if other people know how to operate a vehicle and park them correctly? It doesn't matter if it was only for a few minutes, don't park like an ass! And really, their license should be revoked?? Over leaving a note? The OP shouldn't have to tell someone to park correctly!

i hate people like you too because you can't just laugh about something. and why the hell would my license get revoked? really? for leaving a stupid note for a moron that doesn't know the meaning of compact and obviously can't stay within the lines? if anything happened they would have gotten ticketed for being a moron and parking an SUV in a COMPACT parking space and for being over the line. what would have made me a bitch is if i called the police to come down and write them a ticket for being parked illegally, all while the person was sitting in their car...although that would have been funny too.

for everyone who is saying you're a pussy, you don't have any balls, blah, blah, bitch, bitch....first off, thats not what its about and second, i left the note there didn't i? i didn't get out of my car once i noticed someone was in there (bc i noticed them as i was backing out of my spot to leave) and take the note off and then apologize for being an asshole to an asshole..that right there would have made me a pussy and a spineless bitch, but i stuck with it and laughed on the way home because i made a fool of myself..

Well, At least you didn't be a total dick and key there car or something. Seriously, If you saw someone in the car, Knock on the ******* window and tell them too move. it's not that hard.

I don't see what the problem is, you're still being passive-aggressive either way, so it really doesn't matter.