By Amanda - 11/08/2009 05:52 - United States

Today, I went to Safeway. Go in, get stuff, come out, and I have almost no room to get into my car because an SUV was parked in a compact spot next to me all crooked. Irritated, I got a pen and paper and wrote 'Nice parking you F*ing idiot' and stuck it on the windshield. Then I notice someone was in the SUV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 179
You deserved it 46 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol. Who cares? I think that it's awesome that you got the chance to show them who you are. **** 'em for being inconsiderate assholes.

LadyKaya 0

If you didn't want to tell the person who parked the car how bad of a job they did, don't go screwing with other people's cars. Grow some balls or go home quietly.


This fml is proof that the OP has no balls. I would have ******* gone OFF on whoever the **** was in the SUV. IDC if someone is left in the car, it gives no one the right to park like a douche. OP, ydi for not having balls. I'm a woman and I have more balls than you.

I ******* hate it when people in SUVs do that, whoever was in that gas guzzling piece of shit deserved it.

this isn't an FML. This was a great opportunity to tell that asshole to his/her face what a shitty parking job s/he did. whats the big deal?

tehrabbit 0

since i am too lazy to read through all the posts, sorry if this is a repost. OP quit being a little bitch and whining about being caught. people who fail at driving, as this driver obviously did, deserve to be told to their faces they suck. most people who pull shit like this are your stereotypical bully, tough until confronted. if you get in their shit and let them know what's up they usually back off pretty quickly. soooooo...ydi for bitching about it instead of relishing in the fact that you got to tell someone face to face what you really felt.

where exactly did i bitch about it? i thought it was ****** funny and that is why i posted the story....most of the fml stories on here are basically like this one...just embarassing moments, but i forgot you can't post ANYTHING on the internet without people saying you're retarded, you suck, blah blah blah.. so for everyone saying you're a dumbass bc this isnt an fml--just shut the **** up and laugh about it...

jackle117 0

Most SUV drivers are idiots anyway, and should be often reminded of it thusly. People who drive SUVs are douchebags. People who can't park properly are even bigger douchebags.

i've seen that website before...ive thought about ordering those stickers

ToastedOats 0

I did something like that. Only I wrote "Next time leave me a ******* can opener to get out of this spot". I had parallel parked in the last spot, but the person behind me decided to park behind me illegally. I then dumped a quart of oil down their windshield and let it get into the little vent just below the windshield and right above the hood.

haha thats funny..isnt it funny how ridiculously lazy people are because they dont want to find another spot and walk an extra few feet?

ToastedOats 0

People who can't park are douchebags. SUV drivers aren't always bad. Its mainly the bimbos whose husbands give them the Escalades and Hummers to go to the grocery store and who are talking on their cell phone and checking their nails while parking that are the bad ones. Jeeps kick ass!