By Lo - 25/10/2008 16:56

Today, I went to see a movie with the girl I've liked for months. After the commercials, she told me she had to go to the ladies room. She never came back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 801
You deserved it 4 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today, I was with the boy i'd liked for months at the cinema, I went to the toilet for 5 minuites and when I came back, he was gone"


uprising_fml 0

to all the commenters who are calling the girl a bitch: you have no idea what OP is like. I went to a movie with a guy who I only considered a friend and he started feeling me up so I left. OP gave little to the story so, while he could be, don't act like he's automatically innocent.

Ok think positive maybe she had To pee for a long time

Wow that really sucks, I agree w/ 53

qlue 2

That's why you drive them, so you can leave her ass... Girl 1 Boy 0

I take it, she didn't like you very much OP... : / Oh well, plenty of fish in the sea.

I hope you went to see a movie you wanted to see so it wasn't a complete waste of time.

oh no. no one likes to be ditched out on!