By Notorch - 23/05/2012 15:53 - United Kingdom - Cheltenham

Today, I went to see a once-in-a-lifetime moment when the Olympic torch passed through my town. I waited for 3 hours only to get a bruise from a man shoving me out of the way at the exact moment it went past. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 535
You deserved it 2 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quick, get to the next town! It's a one in a 4 year chance to see it.

Soo... It was only there for a brief second?


Not once-in-a-lifetime. unless you only live 4 years.

Once in a life time to see it pass through their HOME town.

CookieLovesYou 1

Maybe you should call The Doctor. Heh.

night_saint 5

I remember when the Winter Olympics were in Salt Lake City and the torch went through my hometown. Since I was a kid my dad put me up on his shoulders so I had an excellent view :)

It's an oversized matchstick. Who cares?