By cammy123 - 08/05/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, I went to Target. I was on my way to the bathroom when I find a huge mirror. No one was around so I started to see how my butt looked in my jeans, checked up my nose and fixed my bra. An older woman then walks out of a door next to the mirror and explains that it's a two-way mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 584
You deserved it 47 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ben26_fml 0

why did so many ppl say YDI? how the **** is anyone supposed to know whether a mirror is normal or a two-way. and at target, who would know target has a two way mirror...FYL

that_guy321 2

EVERY target i've ever been to has those two way mirrors. You can even see through them if you look closely enough. plus, you were on your way to the bathroom, couldn't you have done it there? YDI.


The 2 way mirrors at target are so obviously 2 way mirrors!

Um... hello, use the mirror in the bathroom you're headed to.

thats illegal. you should report them for that, you dont deserve it

#79 its not illegal to have 2-way mirrors at the front of the store by cash registers for security. Its just stupid for the OP to assume nobody is around; especially when there was probably a rest room within 100 yards.

tje210_fml 0

ok you and everyone else who's commented on this are stupid. there's no such thing as a 2-way mirror. the "way" of the mirror refers to how many directions light is freely permitted to pass. what you're calling a 2-way mirror is, in fact . . . a ONE-way mirror. that is, the person on the other side could see you, but you couldn't see her. a 2-way mirror is commonly known as a pane of GLASS. light freely going both ways and such. so . . . FYL for being born stupid. ha! joke's on you in all sorts of ways today . . .

I still don't know what everyone is talking about. I just got home from work (I'm poster #57 too), and there is no two-sided mirror or w/e there... Maybe certain Targets? Definitely not the one I work at! lol

my target has one too..and as far as i'm concerned it's pretty easy to tell if it's a two way mirror: a big mirror in a random-ass place that makes no sense = a two way mirror. also, they have a weird color/tint to them. kind of yellowish. and if you actually look close you can usually see a little bit past it into the room. ydi. why not wait til you get to the bathroom? also, for those of you that can't read, she didn't say the mirror was IN the bathroom. she said it was on the way TO the bathroom. :)

You should have snapped the old woman's neck, hidden the body, donned her red vest, and taken her place behind this mysterious two-way mirror. No one would suspect a thing...

happygigi 0

why did most people say it was her fault? how would she know?