By cammy123 - 08/05/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, I went to Target. I was on my way to the bathroom when I find a huge mirror. No one was around so I started to see how my butt looked in my jeans, checked up my nose and fixed my bra. An older woman then walks out of a door next to the mirror and explains that it's a two-way mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 588
You deserved it 47 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ben26_fml 0

why did so many ppl say YDI? how the **** is anyone supposed to know whether a mirror is normal or a two-way. and at target, who would know target has a two way mirror...FYL

that_guy321 2

EVERY target i've ever been to has those two way mirrors. You can even see through them if you look closely enough. plus, you were on your way to the bathroom, couldn't you have done it there? YDI.


liveitlearnit 0

Hahahaha. This happens all the time in my Target, don't feel too bad. Once somebody popped a zit right in front of my manager's face! All Targets have these, if I'm correct, for monitoring the front lanes while in their offices.

okay, first off, the two-way mirrors at Target are SO obvious! at least I can tell. Anyway, general rule of thumb (re-stating what #1 said): if you put your finger/nail up to the mirror and there is a space between your finger/nail and the reflection, then it's a real mirror. if there is no space, then it's a two-way mirror. simple!

hahayou12345 0

Haha that is hell embarassing but wth we all do such things once in a while. Thank God no one inside the room knew you!

I could've sworn it was if the reflection doesn't touch = mirror. But yeah, either way =D Check before you do that in public!

sneakersneaker 0

HAHAH. That's funny, because I've done something similar to that before. Embarassing as helllll.

sneakersneaker 0

HAHAH. That's funny because I've done something similar to that before. Embarassing as hellll.

My question is, why does target have a two way mirror?

Why is there a two way mirror at Target!? That's really creepy. Easy way to check if a mirror is a 2 way mirror is to take a flashlight, (I have one on my keychain) Shine the light onto the mirror and if the reflection is dulled, or somewhat transparent (if that makes sense) Then it's probably a two way mirror. It works better if the lights are off though, for reflective reasons. LOL. I do this every time I'm in an apartment building washroom. Just in case.

Thaaaat is the point of a two-way mirror! It's to embarrass those who have no idea that it IS a two-way mirror. I say FYL because no one likes being told that they just did things they would only do in private in front of someone,