By Anonymous - 02/05/2009 00:05 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor went through the normal questions, then paused for a moment and jotted something down. Later when I got back my report from the checkup, I noticed that the doctor had checked the "no" box by "sexually active." She didn't even ask me that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 456
You deserved it 6 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

you just got BURNED by your doctor.


Kitty34_fml 0

Obviously this is fake. No doctor would do that.

crownme 0

Your probably mad fat && ugly in which she would just assume that your a virgin lmao

insane_chick 0

Maybe she did it by mistake... but if its a family doctor and you haven't had your snatch checked by a gyno, maybe you should. That's normally a sign that you're sexually active. I'm 18 and my family doctor never asks me that question. I was first asked that when I went to the ER a month ago, it was odd because I was puking my brains out and wondering why they would want to know such trivial and private matters whenever I'm in extreme pain and puking up bile every ******* second. Sex had nothing to do with it, I couldn't talk so I ended up writing "NO" in big bold letters on a viagra note pad. Ironic. I took an overdose of 45 extra strength tylenols and I just love how my suicide attempt ended up being a bladder infection. And my insurance won't cover it because it wasn't life threatening. FML.

Well, maybe doctors can tell if you're sexually active.... I don't know. Sorry, but that's still funny. Haha. No offense.

cartering 0

I don't believe this because I'm not sexually active - and my hormones are at such levels that it would be more shocking if I was sexually active than it is that I'm not. Yet it takes me an average of about 5 minutes to convince doctors/nurses to even consider the possibility that i'm not sexually active on my first visit, they demand a pregnancy test (i can see the reasoning even if I am INFERTILE). I once had a gyno expect me to be relieved when they tell me "Great news, your lack of periods isn't due to pregnancy." Duh, I didn't think i was the next Mary. He wasted all my time trying to prove I was pregnant instead of actually trying to find out what was wrong with me, which turned out to be PCOS because he refused to believe that someone could be in their 20s and be asexual I've had 12 pregnancy tests in the past year due to becoming ill and every doctor insisting that the only possible cause could be pregnancy or illicit drug use - they completely ignored the fact that you need to actually be doing something that has a 1 in 1000 trillion chance of getting pregnant from for pregnancy to be the answer. Turned out it was epilepsy with partial seizures - Maybe i should demand my baby from these doctors. it would be a lot cheaper and I could get a bigger religious following than Jesus has....

Oh how horrible your doctor thinks your a virgin the world is ending...cry me a river. Why is it an FML if your doctor thinks your a virgin anyway? are you worried that people think of you as a prude? I would rather take that then being called a **** or ***** or ***** or whatever.

draegs 0

it was probably just irrelevant to the treatment... who gives a shit dude..

Re: #50 Right on. Unless your a 30+ year old virgin, get over it. Even at 30, I guess it's ok. Most people don't start families (aka. lots of sex) until mid 30's. Unless you're planning on being a *****, and the only thing people will remember you by is your whoring, then I wouldn't be too worried about what other people thought of your sex life.