By starbird - 23/02/2009 19:40 - United States
By starbird - 23/02/2009 19:40 - United States
By jons - 17/02/2009 21:54 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/05/2009 00:05 - United States
By Mona Lisa was a skank-ass ho - 24/05/2015 15:56 - United Kingdom - Cheadle
By Anonymous - 06/11/2019 18:00
By Anonymous - 31/03/2009 14:46 - United States
By Nails - 22/02/2009 03:16 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/07/2016 22:28 - United States - Columbus
By MysticSoup - 21/04/2019 22:00 - United States - Carthage
By manlyman - 05/04/2009 13:32 - United States
By ddeit - 19/08/2011 02:10 - New Zealand
I like how people are assuming the poster is a guy, because it's always the woman who doesn't want sex. Tsk tsk all of you. I have met many married women that would talk about their lack of a love life, because their husband was overworked, stressed, unhappy, etc. Sounds like some problems need to be worked out, nonetheless.
SuperLOLLzz at #21
Is why I won't get married.
Wow thats cynical. That only happens (no sex after marriage) if you let it. It takes two.
Lord, I seem to have caused quite a stir here. #9 - Good point. #11 - Yes I am, until marriage. And then, if it's someone I'm sexually attracted to, I will probably have sex with them. Until then, I believe it does not look like a terribly fun or exciting act. And yes, I may be asexual. I may remain that way until I find someone who sexually excites me. It's no skin off my nose, now, is it? #13 - That's true. I'm not, thankfully! =) #26 - Yes, the vast majority do. At the moment, as an unmarried virgin, I do not want sex. "Don't hurt people by trapping them in a relationship and denying them meaningful, mutually satisfying sex." It it were mutually satisfying, I doubt it'd be a trap, then, eh? If we're both sexually attracted to each other, then, we'll most likely have sex. Until then, I remain un-interested. It may be that I'm asexual, and it may be that I haven't found someone who excites me sexually enough. Also, #26, please check your spelling. There are only two 'i's in my name. Also, why do I (or 'Amikii') need help? Virgins who are not interested in the idea of sex (now or ever) exist everywhere. Get used to it. #28 - Luckily, you're right. I hope to never have a clue until the right moment, if that moment arrives. =)
31, you're pretty closed minded. "Humans are programmed to be sexual," that sounds like the kind of ideology people use to justify persecuting people with different sexual desires than theirs. Be careful what you say. I don't really understand asexuality and honestly can't put myself in Amkii's place, but I can remember a time when I was younger before I had sex when I didn't really see the appeal. I wish you'd have a little more compassion.
#34, since about age 14 I've never NOT been asked whether or not I'm sexually active at the doctor's office. It seems to be a pertinent question. #31, even if a person isn't having sex he/she should be allowed to think about it and form his/her own opintions. You don't have to agree with them. And I agree with #32; saying that everyone is "programmed" a certain way, especially where sex is considered, is idiotic. Everyone is different.
#31, they're still allowed an opinion on the matter. They obviously feel they don't want it at this moment in time, who are you to tell them otherwise? "No you only think you don't want it but you really do" ???? Is that what you're trying to say?
This marriage is going to fail.
Marriage is about LOVE. But that does kinda suck.