By Anonymous - 20/06/2012 23:08 - United States - New Kensington

Today, I went to the gynecologist. As she was checking me out, she said, "Wow. So you must get wet a lot." It took me several minutes to realize she was talking about my job bathing dogs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 482
You deserved it 3 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It must get hairy too, if you know what I mean. All those dog hairs.


Ya that's just as funny as the dr saying "hold this for me"

Oh yea...nothin like visiting a gynecologist that gets you wet and aroused ;)

jaytee1994 9

Trick question lmao. At lest you didn't say something sexual about getting wet. That woulda been embarrassing lol

JulietRose 10

Not really an FML, just a funny story.

perdix 29

Why? Did your uterus smell of peanut butter? Tell her that your job does make you wet a lot -- that part of squeezing the dogs' anal glands does it for you :D

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Get your clit pierced next time, her reaction will probably hilarious!

Awesome, someone out there has more of a gutter mind than I do.

noisebox 1

Was that after or before you told her: 'once a day twice on Sundays' ?