By Anonymous - 24/04/2009 04:38 - United States

Today, I went to the mall with a couple of friends. While walking through the parking lot, we saw a very dirty car. You couldn't even see the inside of the car through the windows. I thought it would be funny to trace on the window, "Wash Me." After doing so, the driver got out of the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 837
You deserved it 65 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI, don't touch other people's cars.

KeithHarris 0

You could always tell him the car told you to do it.


#4, he couldn't check for passengers because of the dirty windows. Did you even read the whole thing?

Believe it or not, some people have a bit too much to take care of, barely making ends meet to put cleaning their car as the number one priority. I'm sure they'd just love having to drive a car with "Wash Me' and whatever else manages to enter your mind written on it. You people need to grow up.

this happened at a mall. Malls aren't a necessity. And it is aFML. The slob couldn't take 5 minutes to run water over his car. Pull the stock out of your ass and relax a little

lol he probably couldn't see you either anyway

You should of wrote, "I wish my wife was this dirty"

#49 What are you a moron? I'm a woman and i don't have an issue with other people's dirty cars. Stop generalizing. K thanks. agree with #43

Kitty34_fml 0

Doing that on your own car or your parents/friends car is funny. Doing it on a strangers car is weird.

#14: Yeah, because this humor is so edgy, you'd have to be a real square not to find this funny. Give me a break, writing "Wash Me" on a car was funny back in 3rd grade, but most of us have moved past that level by now. What #9 wrote was much funnier.

Wowww... why do these people take shit so seriously...

lphilmyster2 0

lol i did the same thing to a dirty car but instead i put "i suck ****" and drew a pic of a penis