By motherdearest - 21/03/2009 23:18 - United States

Today, I went to the mall with my mom. We were in American Eagle shopping for spring clothes, when a few good looking guys walked by and whistled at me. I smiled at them. They were checking out my mom, not me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 284
You deserved it 6 984

Same thing different taste


i know some pretty hot moms but isn't really an FML ive episodes of Maury where the girls boyfriend/fiance had sex with her mother that's an FML

How can you possibly know if they were whistling at your mother? Did you go ask them yourself?

if you're still getting mommy to shop for your clothes then maybe you're not really old enough to have guys gawking over you :)

MILF? Also stop making assumptions about the OP's appearance, just because she responded to some whistling doesn't make her ugly/fat/desperate, it sounds like they were actually cute, young guys if she would smile back.

And that's what you get for shopping at American Eagle.

Would this be the wrong place to say that I got one of my favorite shirts this year at AE on the sale rack for like $7? Everything else was too expensive for me, what can I say.

yes, american eagle is quite expensive. all their stuff looks the same and the only thing decent that comes from their store are jeans. you are not 11 just because you shop there, maybe where you live just doesn't have any decent stores..

castnerinho 0
dg72592_fml 0

dang a lot of american eagle hate lol. its just a store, like any other it can have bargains on clearance & it can have overpriced crap. i have a few jeans and tank tops from there, i also have a few jeans & tank tops from the salvation army... they all look nice and were decently priced so who cares? also... it is not designer, nor is hollister. designer would be like dolce & gabbana, gucci, fendi, prada, ferragamo etc. basically if it is named after the clothing designer.