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By Anonymous - 12/07/2013 20:27 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I went to the pool with my son. One moment I'm sitting down, applying sunscreen to my legs, and the next I look up to see him squatting on the diving board, seconds before dropping a deuce into the pool. As we got kicked out, he screamed that it was my fault. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 646
You deserved it 6 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is so gross. I feel sorry for everyone else who was in the pool FTLs

olpally 32


I hope it wasn't diarrhoea. Imagine the horror of those in the pool. Just like in the piranha movie. Only shitier

Should have trained him better. More, and more random beatings.

Your son is disgusting and old enough to know better if he blames you for getting kicked out. You better get control of your kid.

Indeed. Get control of him before he does something really serious that could potentially land him in Juvie.

I hope u beat his a** when he got to the car n again when u got home!!

6.8- If he would have done this from a handstand position I would have given him a higher score for degree of difficulty.

Yeah. This is why spankings were invented. 8/

i have never been in favor of violence and especially towards children, but your son has opened new horizons for me

You just HAD to go and say that didn't you, 34 comments without any sign of a 'shitty situation' remark and then you had to go ruin it.

you raised a dumbass or should I say dump ass

your pun was bad, and you should feel bad

Simple solution just make him wear diapers again, I mean like force him to wear diapers for a month, take everything away unless he wears the diapers including Cell Phone, TV, Hot meals, Everything. Then publicise it on Facebook and other social media. Guaranteed he will Never drop a deuce in the pool again