By Anonymous - 12/07/2013 20:27 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I went to the pool with my son. One moment I'm sitting down, applying sunscreen to my legs, and the next I look up to see him squatting on the diving board, seconds before dropping a deuce into the pool. As we got kicked out, he screamed that it was my fault. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 645
You deserved it 6 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is so gross. I feel sorry for everyone else who was in the pool FTLs

olpally 32


YDI. Sorry, but your kid deserves better than to be raised to be an asshole.

generalasskicker 12

I feel that this is probably partially your fault.

kiswani_anas 4
dblogic 19

I could not have said this better myself! And really, maybe if there was more whuppin's being given when appropriate, society wouldn't be so maladjusted. And we're talking spankings people, not beating kids till they're black & blue. Big difference.

ThatFancyPenn 18

I'm surprised he had the guts to do that... I can't even take off my short at the pool...