By Anonymous - 02/01/2010 13:33 - United States

Today, I went to visit my aunt who recently was released from an institution. She had leftover Christmas cookies so I began snacking on them. They tasted a bit off so I inquired about the ingredients. She told me they only had white icing so she used Crayola markers to give them color. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 627
You deserved it 5 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouldn't have ate something that someone who was in an institution made.

daydreamstar 7

c is for cookie, but k is for kooky XD sorry but yeah a little listerine, youll be fun. crayola is non toxic......


we don't care if your families are dead and the few of us that don't feel sympathy when we are "supposed to" are considered evil. we all die sooner or later, what does it matter if you are taken by disease. death is death which does not choose between those it touches.

I did that too - non toxic so what's the harm eh? :)

yeehaw, you ate some crayon .. who cares. not a big deal.

Next time you will know better not to just eat something before asking :P

AvoirFoiEnMoi 0

I was expecting it to say they were Weed Cookies. Lol.