By promdump - 07/03/2009 02:55 - United States

Today, I went to visit my Grandmother, accidentally leaving my phone home during the weekend. When I got back I had 2 texts from my crush. One saying "I want to take the most beautiful girl to prom, go with me?" and the other saying, "Fine fattie, I'll ask someone else." FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 446
You deserved it 7 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you arn't going to prom with someone with apparent massive insecurities and who calls you "fattie" when you miss a text. **** This Moment for you ... FHL.


wickedsick 0

That's really depressing. He's an insecure douche. And because I read #64, I've noticed that people tell people "you deserve better" even when they don't know what they've done in life or who they've ****** over. Of course there's always the "No one deserves that." But can NO ONE reeeally deserve something. Anyway. It's better that you found out that he's a dick now rather than later.

Seriously? He totally should have called! What's next? Texting marriage proposals? That wasn't the least bit romantic! Shame on him.

ct_fml 0

did you ask why he delined afterward?

he just called u a fatty because he is sad that u didnt respond

ashohh 0

HAHA, I swear people get soo mad when you don't answer text messages fast enough. And they don't even know if it's because of something important or not. Annoying. Don't fret over it too much.

That really sucks. Try explaining it to him?

he was a little (read: really) immature

I agree with 69. and not just cuz its #69 lol.

Embarassment 0

Your might-have-been prom date is rather bipolar. What happens when you take the relationship farther?