By promdump - 07/03/2009 02:55 - United States

Today, I went to visit my Grandmother, accidentally leaving my phone home during the weekend. When I got back I had 2 texts from my crush. One saying "I want to take the most beautiful girl to prom, go with me?" and the other saying, "Fine fattie, I'll ask someone else." FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 450
You deserved it 7 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you arn't going to prom with someone with apparent massive insecurities and who calls you "fattie" when you miss a text. **** This Moment for you ... FHL.


MiSZ3MilYx3 0

giiirL- he ain't worth it anyways! i sure hope you explained yourself to him.

what an insecure asshole. first of all asking you OVER A TEXT and second of all calling you a name when you didn't respond. wow. that's lame.

maybe if you lose some weight he'll take you back

#56 Clearly her weight is not a problem here. Everyone with grain of common sense can see that this was a pathetic insecure reaction and he just blurted some insult. Just like it's clear you probably know that but immediately jumped to "insult 'fat' people" train so you feel better about yourself. And even if she was fat she can lose those kilograms while her crush and you will need much more effort to deal with your insecurities.

hahahahha what a prick. he asked u with a text message???? LOL

You dodged a bullet! You should be happy you avoided a major jerk. :P

ceightlin 0

I can't stand when someone freaks out on me because I haven't answered my text message within a five minute time range. - sigh. - It seems it happens everywhere.

_waddup 0

aww, im sorry. that's so mean of him.

just because you didnt reply right away? wtf thats so harsh..

What a jerk. If he's that immature, and he's eighteen - he's technically an adult. That's sort of scary. You deserve better, girl! Go out with someone else.