By promdump - 07/03/2009 02:55 - United States

Today, I went to visit my Grandmother, accidentally leaving my phone home during the weekend. When I got back I had 2 texts from my crush. One saying "I want to take the most beautiful girl to prom, go with me?" and the other saying, "Fine fattie, I'll ask someone else." FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 450
You deserved it 7 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you arn't going to prom with someone with apparent massive insecurities and who calls you "fattie" when you miss a text. **** This Moment for you ... FHL.


kcmjlopez 0

you dodged a bullet there.

MyLifeIsAverageS 5

i feel bad for you, but you really dodged a bullet if u missed text and he calls u fat. if some1 in ur family texted back something rude then ur familys a dickface

Who asks a girl to prom over text? Hahaha puss

PerrfectChaos 5

I hope you replied, explaining why you didn't reply right away. Then say "I would have loved to go with you if you were not such an ass!" or something along those lines because he's a jerk.

maggiefox 25

Saved yourself from that trouble

if he can't ask you in person..or in a cuter manner then he's not worth going with fr

Awww that sucks. Did you tell him what happened?

You dodged a bullet there. Be grateful! That guys a moron if A he couldn't even ask you in person B he takes silence as a reason to insult you.