By Shamdog48 - 11/04/2011 15:08 - United States

Today, I went to work at a chemotherapy clinic. After explaining to a patient about the risks and benefits of chemotherapy for his underlying metastatic lung cancer, he asks is it OK to smoke during chemotherapy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 856
You deserved it 3 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Someone either really wants to die, or they're just plain stupid. >.>

Yeah, it is. Smoke kills the cancer-cells right?


xnormanraganx 0
lmaoatall 6

ya, now say that to his family and friends. I'm sure they would appreciate those consoleing words. **** their lives too.

PSQ91 6

You should burn in hell for saying that you moron.

Hahahaha omfg this is the funniest FML I've read in a while haha. YDI!

Slap me the alphabet letters N and O.

Rofl. Slap him* Now I sound like a masochist perv.

Denial coupled with addiction is a dangerous combination.

This is the result of television and tobacco executives brainwashing our past and current generations with subliminal messages that smoking will cause and cure all of your problems. I learned from TV that smoking can cause and cure gingivitis, cholera, Hansen's disease, lung cancer (applicable in this case), tiny dick syndrome (looking at you, KaySL), and smoking.

enonymous 8

Tell him he can smoke when the do not smoke sign is turned off.

That's ridiculous. What's the point of chemo then? He obviously doesn't care if he dies.

perdix 29

Smoke 'em if you got 'em! Why bother with the chemo? You're just going to make him nauseous and bald in his final days. **** the chemo -- he needs to start checking off bucket list items and puff away.

monteSSchick 0

omg im speechless from the stupidity LOL!