By Brightbulb - 16/11/2017 23:00 - United States

Today, I went to work feeling great. I'd just paid off my student loans and was planning a trip to see friends in Italy. I left work unemployed because a fraud case I exposed 3 years ago got the company sued for slander. It was thrown out because everything was fact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 796
You deserved it 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... so the company got sued for slander, the case got thrown out.... and your company still fired you? Damn. At least your loans are paid off.

indienerdgirl 27

Well at least you don't have to ask for time off now.


I'm confused. Why were you fired? The way you write it is You exposed a fraud case, the people who you excused of fraud sued your company for slander. The fraud was true so your company successfully got the slander suit thrown out. How do you lose your job over that? or did you mean you thought you found fraud in your own company, another company used your info to sue your company and it ended up you were wrong about the fraud?

onceuponatime456 16

Richard Pencil? Were you born a complete idiot or did it take a lot of work to get that way?

This can be seen as retaliation. Talk to a lawyer. Read "Retaliation and Wrongful Termination" for general information.