By Anonymous - 04/01/2009 05:24 - France

Today, I withdrew $120 from the ATM at the hotel I'm staying at, only to have no money come out. When I talked to the concierge, who witnessed the whole thing, she said it had been happening all day and that the machine was broken. My bank says it's the hotel's problem, and the hotel says it's the bank's problem. Either way, I'm out $120. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 753
You deserved it 2 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OK, this has never happened to me, but that's completely unacceptable. You don't have the money, they're not out of the money, there should be no problem refunding it.. I wouldn't give up on this one.

First, THEY SHOULD'VE UNPLUGGED IT AND PUT UP A BIG SIGN SAYING OUT OF ORDER!!! WHY DIDN'T THEY?!?!?!? Second, it's definitely the hotel's problem. They should reimburse. If not, get them to talk to the bank. Let them sort it out with each other for you.


blinkingstarlet 15

to all the people who are saying "at least it wasn't alot of money" : umm $120.00 IS alot of money to some people! it pays my student loan payment for the month! i would have cried!

Its the banks problem as it is their atm machine. Call them up and tell them.

Damn so instead of putting up an out of order sign or some shit they just let ppl use it?

I would do something about it. Talk to the bank!!

you could do what my mom does-- yell your ass off at someone till they give you your ******* $120!!

sofad15 0

haha )) my thoughts exactly! yell at someone, convince them they are at fault until they believe you and do what you want them to do ))

seb12992 0

By a hood, cut some eye holes out, buy a magnum, and rob their cheap asses.

I was picturing the ice cream 'magnum' and was wondering how it would help before i realised you meant a gun lol

i hope u dnt mean in the same situation that OP had, because that would be a load of horse shit. i say tht because u can only withdraw money in $20 increments. *triumphant laugh* ha-HA! i win xD

akari_san 0

i had that happen to me expept it was 500 for rent from a 7-11 store and i didnt get it back for like 3 weeks but the atm company sent money to my bank to cover it.

Threaten to sue and suddenly $120 reappears into your account.