By screwed. - 03/02/2009 01:42 - United States

Today, I woke from last night after meeting the most amazing man, and after giving him a good morning kiss, roll out of bed to use his bathroom. After using his toothbrush, I go to replace it in his holder only to find not one, but several prescriptions for herpes in his unzipped toiletry bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 419
You deserved it 45 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Use condoms. Don't use other people's toothbrushes. Get some common sense.

OEsEben 0

can you post a picture of yourself in case i run into you somewhere?


jweb1434 6

Who uses someone's tooth brush anyways?!?? That's gross

Why the f*ck would you use HIS toothbrush in the 1st place

Why would you use his toothbrush? I'd never use someone's toothbrush even if I'd known them for years. And you totally deserve the herpes. There's these things called condoms.

Why would you use his toothbrush?! You just met him.

mmk2009 4

how do you know what medicine is for herpes?

ericapalooza 8

seeing as he had medication and assuming he takes it i wouldn't worry. however I think it is illegal to have the hero's and not yell your sexual partner

Shouldn't be using his toothbrush anyways

Wait a second.. You used someone else's toothbrush? From a guy you JUST met? O.o woah.

Rammer3500 23

This is why sex is supposed to only be after your married. If you and your spouse are both virgins-boom, no chance of an STD

Symantha23 25

You should really make sure they don't have herpes before sleeping with them...