By screwed. - 03/02/2009 01:42 - United States

Today, I woke from last night after meeting the most amazing man, and after giving him a good morning kiss, roll out of bed to use his bathroom. After using his toothbrush, I go to replace it in his holder only to find not one, but several prescriptions for herpes in his unzipped toiletry bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 418
You deserved it 45 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Use condoms. Don't use other people's toothbrushes. Get some common sense.

OEsEben 0

can you post a picture of yourself in case i run into you somewhere?


Maybe wait more than a few hours before you **** someone next time? Idiot.

kay729 7

I've only got two words for you. EPIC FAIL!

Chibipanda 1

Try not being such a ***** next time.

charliewetsidege 2

you know condoms are only 80% effective. didnt you have an 8th grade health class on how to avoid this?

PatRme 9 used his toothbrush? YDI for being a bitch

uglycrow 5

Oh my god! There is no way I would ever use someone else's toothbrush! I don't care what else you did with him! Think about the bacteria! And viruses apparently..

Everyones so concerned about her using his toothbrush, when she had sex with a guy she didn't even know? I hate this generation...

Agreed, people are ******* nasty nowadays