By screwed. - 03/02/2009 01:42 - United States

Today, I woke from last night after meeting the most amazing man, and after giving him a good morning kiss, roll out of bed to use his bathroom. After using his toothbrush, I go to replace it in his holder only to find not one, but several prescriptions for herpes in his unzipped toiletry bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 418
You deserved it 45 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Use condoms. Don't use other people's toothbrushes. Get some common sense.

OEsEben 0

can you post a picture of yourself in case i run into you somewhere?


Jesus, people! Someone hooking up happens all the freaking while and besides, it's just sex, for god's sake. It's not like she raped the dude and then found out he had herpes! But using his toothbrush is kinda nasty. Ew.

and this is why 99% of women are ***** hahah "it's just sex" ,"it's just my body that I obviously have no respect for"hahahhaha

after 'meeting' the most amazing man you use his toothbrush... lmao I'm sure you both have the most amazing herpes now!!!! cute!

why would you have sex with someone you don't even know???

exactly...that's what I don't get, why is everyone flipping out about the tooth brush when he just previously stuck his herpes infested penis inside her ******, you get me. when you make out with somebody, sharing a toothbrush isn't that terribly heinous, and certainly is not as bad as messing around with genital herpes!! one can only hope they were simplex 1 herpes

YDI it for using his toothbrush. I'd be pissed if some bitch used my toothbrush without asking. Enjoy the herpes.

why would you have sex with someone you just met? you have no idea what kind of diseases they may have! ew! and using their toothbrush as well? like WTF, he's not your boyfriend!

What is wrong with you sex and then use his toothbrush after. You're a freek you deserve it. Why not eat his ass out too.

barbiegirl491 1

I was thinking the same thing!!! that's nasty!