By shawty_x - 26/04/2009 12:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke to find my boyfriend of 2 years gone. I saw my little sister's talking bear at the bottom of my bed, it said "squeeze me" so I squeezed it and it said "it's over." It was my boyfriends voice. I was dumped by a talking bear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 216
You deserved it 4 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow I'm at a loss for words. It's amazing what stunts losers would pull to get out of having a mature, face-to-face talk with you.


suckstobeyou3 0

if you were dumped by the bear, that means you were dating the bear...?

cjk6318 0

wow... # 12's right what a wuss... that still stinks though... sorry

Wow, sorry you wasted 2 yrs of your life with such a D-bag :/ FYL indeed PS- #12 was probably your BF, and should DIAF

pinkdinosaur64 0

asshole. creative, but he should use the creativity to ask you out not dump you, you need a better boyfriend than him

newzealander_fml 0

:) hope you're okay.... :$ this made me cry....

ohhhhshizzz 0

What a ******, #12 did you mean he didn't deserve HER? Bahah, I get you though. Yeahh he is a loser.

ouch. I have to admit, that was pretty creative... but what a dick move. i'm sorry.

That's so mean! He doesn't even have the guts to tell you himself... So instead he gets a bear (!) to do the job. Mean stuff.

Truthbringer 0

that's genious, you must have not meant that much to him.