By shawty_x - 26/04/2009 12:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke to find my boyfriend of 2 years gone. I saw my little sister's talking bear at the bottom of my bed, it said "squeeze me" so I squeezed it and it said "it's over." It was my boyfriends voice. I was dumped by a talking bear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 216
You deserved it 4 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow I'm at a loss for words. It's amazing what stunts losers would pull to get out of having a mature, face-to-face talk with you.


#7 that is spot on, +1 for creativity, minus a lot more than that for being a wuss.

How immature and dumb. it must hurt, but if that's the kind of person he is then its all for the better.

curryndricegirll 0

what a jerk! i would say to buy another bear, record some choice words, and send it to him, but he doesn't seem worth the money of buying another bear.

Everyone is saying how immature he is, but look at it from a guys' point of view. After breaking up with a girl, most girls will have a large number of questions and accusations and insults and it's a horrible ordeal. At least he was creative about it. Granted though, that is pretty asshole-ish since they had gone out for two years, face-to-face WOULD have been much better in this situation.

ZiggyMorrison 0

Maybe your just an emotional person who would take the news very bad and he just didnt wanna deal with that who knows how badly you would have flipped out maybe thats why he dumped you perhaps theres a whole bunch of shit going on in his life and feeling shitty about breaking up with you is the last thing he needed i'm just making assumptions but think about it peoples

lolwhat_fml 0

How did your boyfriend manage to recor his own voice on the bear? Props to that C:< But im sorry about what happened xP

What a blubbering vag that guy is. You are way better off without him.

Sucks for you, but gotta give him points for being creative.