By msnewyearseve - 01/01/2012 17:19 - United States

Today, I woke up after a long night of partying. When I went to wash off my face, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My missing tooth was almost enough to make me overlook my black eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 867
You deserved it 33 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mismonroe 0

Did you happen to wake up in Vegas with a tiger in the bathroom, also?


redhedsaysrawr 18

The Hangover! rofl... at least it wasnt a tatto like in Part 2!

I woke up in just boxers and an inside-out bathrobe on backwards. I still haven't found my shirt and pants.

sarahwarda101 0
KittyxCatxRawr 0
Cynical_in_SK 6

Gee...if I looked in the mirror and noticed I was missing a tooth, I think I would most certainly overlook a lot of things...including a black eye. I mean a black eye will heal…but a missing tooth? Yeah, not so much!

NiyahBabiez411 3

Hahahaha! Drinking Sucks! Next time just drink alittle ! And then put extra liquior in the girls drink to get them drunk not the other way around!

bulliedkid 6