By Anonymous - 13/05/2009 20:15 - Canada

Today, I woke up after a night of partying and went to the bathroom. That’s when I realized that after passing out with my shoes on last night, my friends decided use a black sharpie and play “connect the dots” with my acne. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 727
You deserved it 19 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what does your shoes have anything to do with it lol and that sucks majorly lol

TheBrianWing 0

Obviously you don't have any asshole friends. When you pass out at a party with your shoes on, it indicates that you were unintentional about losing consciousness and you get messed with. If you are found with shoes off, it indicates you just got bored and went to sleep and need to be left alone.


didnt u learn from the song i love college by asher roth? I can't tell you what I learned from school but I could tell you a story or two, um Yeah, of course I learned some rules Like don't pass out with your shoes on (Get the Sharpie!)

LuxLisbon_fml 0

#30: fatty/oily foods DO NOT cause acne. Severe cases are generally caused by hormonal imbalances. And to the OP: it could've been worse. I once went home from a party totally unaware that I had the words 'dripping pussy' scrawled across my forehead.

yummyLMAOnade 0
Jack_Of_Spades 0

Dude... one of the cardinal rules of partying is to not pass out with your shoes on. I feel for you, but you did deserve that. Sucks that they did it with your acne though, that's depressing

totalbadass 0

for all the people asking about the relevance of shoes, it's an unwritten rule of partying that if you pass out with your shoes on from drinking you're fair game for having your face drawn on.

Hurtful. Ignore the pisses who say YDI, most of them are anon pricks ;X

wow..... whoever does not know the "don't pass out with your shoes on" should look beyond their World of Warcraft Desktop computers and action figure filled bed shelves and start making friends. **** all your lives to whoever can't make the connection between getting messed with at a party while passed out with the shoes on... all of you should be writing a " Today, im 20 years old and didnt know the "dont pass out with ur shoes on" rule. FML" fkn virgins...

what does the fact that your shoes were on have to do with anything?

Zpecial26 0

#154 has 69 in his name... that usually means he's a virgin.. Sucks for you OP, but congrats, you've discovered the use for acne. :O