By Anonymous - 13/05/2009 20:15 - Canada

Today, I woke up after a night of partying and went to the bathroom. That’s when I realized that after passing out with my shoes on last night, my friends decided use a black sharpie and play “connect the dots” with my acne. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 727
You deserved it 19 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what does your shoes have anything to do with it lol and that sucks majorly lol

TheBrianWing 0

Obviously you don't have any asshole friends. When you pass out at a party with your shoes on, it indicates that you were unintentional about losing consciousness and you get messed with. If you are found with shoes off, it indicates you just got bored and went to sleep and need to be left alone.


for all the clueless people or even worse thinking that shoes is a refference to a shitty song I have been well aware of the "don't pass out with your shoes on" rule for about 10 years Shoes off = your asleep on purpose, shoes on = passed out and fair game I wouldn't complain if I were you, you got off damn easy

SimpleIdiot 0

lolz like chapelle said never sleep around white people smoke weed with white people but never sleep around white people XP

a) You eat too much fatty/oily foods so you have acne. b) Don't pass out you alcoholic.

Laiaira 0

WTF do the shoes have to do with anything? I read some of the comments that say passing out with your shoes on is "fair game" to screw with you - but I went to one of the top 10 binge drinking colleges, and I have never heard this one. Maybe it is newer or older than my uni years 02-06, but ... ? Regardless, passing out with your shoes on can happen when you're sober. So, stupid rule. We drew on people's faces only occasionally, and only if they got drunk way faster than everyone else and passed out while we were still drinking. Shoes or no shoes. You need new friends, they suck for drawing in your acne. Whatever happened to just drawing a penis on your forehead?

This is what happens when you fall asleep first. Learn some moderation.

raginazn_67 0

Lol not really an FML but funny nonetheless

mandark 9

I couldn't decide whether to vote FYL or YDI. D8 It's a bit of both. You passed out with your shoes on, instant party foul. Friends draw on you, pretty much expected. But still sucks for you.

LOL! I wish I was one of your friends who did that! AHAHAHA