By Anonymous - 13/05/2009 20:15 - Canada

Today, I woke up after a night of partying and went to the bathroom. That’s when I realized that after passing out with my shoes on last night, my friends decided use a black sharpie and play “connect the dots” with my acne. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 727
You deserved it 19 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what does your shoes have anything to do with it lol and that sucks majorly lol

TheBrianWing 0

Obviously you don't have any asshole friends. When you pass out at a party with your shoes on, it indicates that you were unintentional about losing consciousness and you get messed with. If you are found with shoes off, it indicates you just got bored and went to sleep and need to be left alone.


gross...and you deserve it. It's a MUST to draw on people's faces when they're drunk and passed out, Next time? Don't drink yourself stupid

You shouldn't have left your shoes on, it's against the rules, and you got drawn on for braking them. Could be worse, my friends and I tried to get the warm cup of water trick to work. We ended up just pouring buckets of random shit on the kid.

lilt316 0

ahahaha wadda loser this is wat happens when u drink 2 much and forget the rules ydi wow im 16 and i bet ive been to more parties then the majority of the ppl on here

dyllpickle94 0

haha ok. all of you who keep saying hes quoting asher roth. NO hes kinda not you retards. theres an ACUALL rule behind it. BELIEVE IT OR NOT. asher roth DIDNT make that up. he wouldnt say that just to say it. that would make no sense. however. i STILL dont know what the meaning behind that rule is... haha call me dumb.

Gs_brother 0

Asher Roth didn't come up with the rule, the rule is that if you're hammered and pass out with your shoes on, people will know you're smashed which means you won't wake up if the screw with you. So YDI for drinking to much and passing out, I'm 14 and I know the rules, if you don't get a life that's not on the internet.

Gs_brother 0

I don't drink, but seriously, YDI


Sharpie.. Writes on just about anything. Did the same to my mate the other week

That's extremely disgusting! Try proactive

Haygenius 0

Someone, please illustrate this FML. (Make sure you draw it with shoes) :P