By justlittleoldme - 12/03/2010 13:17 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke up crying in the middle of a nightmare in which my boyfriend of 8 months shot me through the heart whilst laughing as I screamed 'I Love You'. After I told him about this, he took me into his arms as I cried, stroked my back and said, 'What kind of gun was it?' FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 863
You deserved it 7 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Drew_V 0

lol I'm sorry thats pretty funny

But seriously...what kind of gun was it?


yessirfosho 0

How is this an FML? Really it was a ******* dream. He was trying to comfort you and add a little humor. OMG you have a boyfriend that cares oh yea your life is so ******.

Intellectualist 0

have you ever had a nightmare like that? Because they can seem pretty terrifying before you know they're not actually real.

yessirfosho 0

Yes and once I wake up and realize its not real I get over it. I dont cry then go to my computer and whine about it.

Intellectualist 0

some people go for days not realising that things aren't real. It happens. It's classed as a disorder sometimes.

don't mean to laugh but I am. I guess it's a guys way of trying to lighten the mood. totally something my husband would say...of course he'd get slapped for saying it and would expect it..then laugh himself.

that's a really stupid dream. ydi. don't be so dramatic during the day, then you won't have retarded dreams at night.

shot through the heart? you're to blame darlin, you give love a bad name!

Hellooomindyy 0

Big deal, its just a nightmare. At least you still have your BF and you heart.

haha sorry but that's just funny ur bf's cool

Priorities, priorities. At least your boyfriend is a BA.

it could have been a clairvoyant dream (de ja vu) in which, maybe he has recently bought a gun, or was planning on buying the gun he used in the dream. I have dreams like that allthe time. (I had a dream once where we had three jugs of milk in the fridge and the next day my dad bought three jugs of milk, and put them exactly where I saw them we usualy don't buy three jugs or put them where he did.)

Intellectualist 0

cant get guns in the UK. And shotting someone/buying a gun is A LOT different to milk jugs..

I'm on the FML app I dont think i can see where these people live XD

and I said "dream's". plural. that was just a more vivid one I've had. and it was epic to ME at the time. lol.

Smilzen 0

You're creepy and your mystical balderdash offends me. Though it does remind me of that SNL skit with Christopher Walken, where he only foretells petty annoyances and lunch preferences.