By justlittleoldme - 12/03/2010 13:17 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke up crying in the middle of a nightmare in which my boyfriend of 8 months shot me through the heart whilst laughing as I screamed 'I Love You'. After I told him about this, he took me into his arms as I cried, stroked my back and said, 'What kind of gun was it?' FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 863
You deserved it 7 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Drew_V 0

lol I'm sorry thats pretty funny

But seriously...what kind of gun was it?


thatoneGeo 0

you boyfriend must play a lot of cod mw2

kk2krazee 0

Soooooo...what kind of gun was it?

alyjane 0

what's the big deal? it was a dream. I'd be interested too . . .

Thank you for this highly amusing image.

OMG stop being so overly sensitive...guys have a weird sense of humor sometimes, besides it was just a dream.

Get the f*ck over it, it was a dream. He was nice enough to be there for your emotional self after you woke up, that's more than most people would put up with.

jihut2 0

How about you stop being a baby. It's a dream. Get over it.

pinkmd 0

why the eff were you crying? idiot. ydi