By AprilFlowers - 01/12/2009 17:15 - United States

Today, I woke up early and made my boyfriend french toast. When he woke up, he yelled at me because it was his dish day and I was creating more dishes for him to do. He made me do the dishes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 191
You deserved it 7 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damarys 0

your bf certainly does not deserve any more nice deeds in the future

myhairynutsack 0

Get a new boyfriend. This one is definitely a failure.


Linsey0314 0

lmao this happened to me the other day!

Erindub 0

That must've hurt sitting there listening to him yell at you for makibg him breakfast. Wow! Sorry

plutosaplanet 0

wow....i must be doing it all wrong....i cook all the meals and i keep the kitchen clean all on my own. my boyfriend used enough dishes to fill the sink and left some on the counter, wrappers in the sink and on the counter while making stuffing. he kept saying i will clean it later. more than a full day later i cleaned the whole thing. thats how it goes in our house. i cook i clean...i also threw in a load of laundry that was half his.....if he made me french toast id fall over, enjoy the meal....then prolly do the dishes haha

Yeah. You're definitley doing things wrong. Unless he does all the "manly" jobs like fixing cars and putting up shelves, or he's the only one working, you're being taken for a ride.

what do you call "french toasts"? (i'm french, so I would really like to know) if it is what i think, it is only toasted bread with marmelade or butter, everything you need to do that is a knife and maybe a plate

In America french toast is typically bread soaked in an egg batter that is mixed with cinnamon and vanilla sometimes milk and then grilled...topped with butter and maple syrup...yum

eh, it's mostly similar to what you would probably call pain perdu. Just bread in an egg, cinnamon, vanilla batter/mix and then pan fried in butter.

wow, indeed you need some dishes to do that^^ looks delicious anyway

Not really, maybe a bowl or two, a fork or whisk, and a pan extra (and the pan is only extra if you usually make cereal and not eggs or whatever). Oh yeah, and a spatula. Oh god that's like 2 hours of extra scrubbing, that spatula.

My family and I don't have dish days, its usually who has to cook that day doesn't have to do them. Its mostly between my stepbro and I, and often he doesn't do them and my dad hands me 10 bucks so my stepmom doesn't have to come home and do the dishes from a 12 hour day, and I clean the kitchen along with that.

who the f*ck MAKES someone do the dishes? Unless you're 6 and going to get grounded, grow up and tell him to stop being a dickbag,

Dump him and find someone who will appreciate a nice gesture reguardless of the dishes. Problem solved.

Two preferable scenarios: 1. Your boyfriend was grateful to you for bringing him delicious breakfast in bed, and was happy to do the dishes in return. 2. You were trying to do something nice for your boyfriend, and volunteered to do the dishes for this meal even though it's technically his day to do them.

Jesus Christ, your boyfriend blew it way out of proportion. Unless you guys eat a lot of takeout, then obviously there will be dishes to clean everyday. So what if there were a few extra dishes to clean? I'm sure OP has just as many dishes to clean on HER "dish day."