By AprilFlowers - 01/12/2009 17:15 - United States

Today, I woke up early and made my boyfriend french toast. When he woke up, he yelled at me because it was his dish day and I was creating more dishes for him to do. He made me do the dishes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 191
You deserved it 7 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damarys 0

your bf certainly does not deserve any more nice deeds in the future

myhairynutsack 0

Get a new boyfriend. This one is definitely a failure.


perstephane 4

To everyone saying he's abusive/an asshole: Yes, I agree, doing the dishes isn't a huge deal and both should grow up. But we don't know that he actually *yelled* at her. He might have said "Ugh, I appreciate the thought, but did you have to do it on my dish day? You wash the dishes," and she sees that as yelling. We only have one side of what happened and no transcript of the conversation. So stop jumping to conclusions. That being said, if his reaction was to actually yell about this, he's a 2 year old and/or an asshole.

dahockeymasta12 0
scott_m319 0

With so many women on here that would dump a guy over a little argument like this, I'm surprised that everybody in America isn't single already! So I want to know: is it acceptable to buy your bf a gift and then ask him to reimburse you? Because that's not all that different from fixing a meal for your partner (as a favor) and then expecting them to do the dishes. I agree with HookEmTexas. A half-assed favor isn't a favor. Granted, the boyfriend behaved irrationally, but that kind act can't have made the surprise of extra dishes any less annoying. Sorry that happened, though. It's a tough call.

Yeah. It's like throwing someone a surprise party and leaving them to foot the bill or clean up afterwards. "Oh, but it's the thought that counts." No. It would count if the thoughtfulness went right from beginning to end.

You guys are idiots. They obviously have a rotating schedule for dishes, ok so no making any nice meals for my partner on their dish days because "it's a half assed favour" hmmm? It's immature beyond belief. Appreciate the things that get done for you, and grow the **** up. It's not "expecting him to clean up", it's making something nice for him and it happened to be his dish day. Not only would I have refused to do said dishes, I'd have made a ton more after such childish behavior, and stuff doing any more nice things. And this is coming from someone who hates doing dishes, but if my partner did this for me and it was my turn I'd appreciate the gesture, say thank you, and do the damn dishes.

YDI for letting your boyfriend treat you like a doormat. Now stop committing random acts of "kindness" and dump him.

Drop the complainer and pick put a supporter. Ur bf need to shut up and appreciate u even THINKING of doing anything for him. U don't have to wash the dishes for him. Tell him to grow a pare and wash them himself it's just water and a little labor he's not going to die.

So did he expect to eat breakfast out of cupped hands that morning, or what? God damn, whine-ass.

JohnnyOnTheSpot 0
ur_lifeblows 0

speaking as someone who cleans a lot of dishes everyday from my kids, boyfriend and myself ( i really hate doing dishes as well ) i would gladly do some extra dishes for my boyfriend to cook me breakfast sometime. it wouldn't take a whole lot of extra time. he's an ass and obviously doesn't appreciate sweet gestures.