By ChristinePi - 26/07/2014 22:09 - United States - Rochester

Today, I woke up from a horrible nightmare. What was it about? Me accidentally scratching a non-stick pan with my utility knife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 429
You deserved it 6 639

ChristinePi tells us more.

It was a nightmare to me because once you scratch a nonstick pan you're supposed to throw it away because underneath the coating there's a bunch of bad chemicals that increase your chances of getting cancer. I don't have the money to replace the pan and it wasn't cheap either. Dreams aren't logical, you cannot always control how you feel in them. I know it's silly but in the dream I was very upset about my pan and I woke up distraught. Hence why I consider it a nightmare. Funny enough, I actually did end up scratching one of my pots recently. I'm too poor to buy a new one so I am still using it. OTL

Top comments

Wait that's a nightmare? My nightmares consist of being cannibalized by zombies. Suck it up. Truth is, everyone reacts to scenarios differently. My most sorrowful dream was tearing a gummy worm in half. OP felt sad about scratching her pan. Respect that.

Could be worse: you brought it back to the store and they wouldn't give you a refund/replacement.


Ugh, you must be a cook. We just got new pans where I work and I'm treating them like my babies. That sounds like a horrible nightmare

SalsaVerdeDonut 22

This sounds like a FML my mom would post. She's crazy about her pots and pans.

That noise is like nails on a chalkboard

I've had the same dream! When we bought our first (and expensive) non-stick pan we tried to be really careful while using it, hence the nightmares.

Are people really getting upset over someone comparing this to OCD? Don't be so uptight people. Have a laugh. It was a joke.

Waaah. Bring on the hipster clichés, but you're being a baby.

Epikouros 31

I've scratched a non-stick frying pan with a knife on purpose. I mean the bottom of the pan.