By clueless2 - 20/02/2009 15:38 - United States

Today, I woke up happy because I'd met the man of my dreams at a bar. We had shared an amazing night together. I walked around my apartment, wondering where he'd went. Turns out, he was gone. So was my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 353
You deserved it 27 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bringing a stranger into your apartment after one night of seeing him in bar? Instead of "FML my car was stolen" it should be "Thank God I wasn't raped, beaten, and left for dead."

Edmund_Dantes 0

Any story that starts out "I met the man of my dreams at a bar" is something you deserved.


Make a doctor's appt. he might have left you something to remember him by. :(

ThatNutellaTho 6

Breakfast In bed Maybe .. ..

that shit is Hiiiiiiii-larious. When I am single again I'm totally gonna pull the GTA. I'm going to take your macbook too.

when you're single again? don't have much faith in your relationship eh?

subiedude08 17
Edmund_Dantes 0

Any story that starts out "I met the man of my dreams at a bar" is something you deserved.

anonymous100000 17

Bringing a stranger into your apartment after one night of seeing him in bar? Instead of "FML my car was stolen" it should be "Thank God I wasn't raped, beaten, and left for dead."

#11 -- doesnt sound like it would have been rape. everything else applies though.

Amanyyyyyy 29

You never know what goes through peoples' heads... Especially random ones you meet at a bar, who are presumably drunk.

He's a fool. You know exactly what he looks like, and he stole your car. He will almost for sure get caught. I'm sure you know his name, or at least a fake name. It can go a long ways. You also have about a billion fingerprints around your house. Again, he's a fool.

I agree with #6. This is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. I am going to have to remember this the next time I'm feeling burned by women. I know it sucks, but at least you brightened up my day.

Eir_fml 1

**** his shit up. Get him to go to jail.