By Dulieu - 10/02/2009 00:41 - United States

Today, I woke up next to my girlfriend. When she asked me to pick up her thong from behind my bed I realized there were two. I didn't pick up hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 232
You deserved it 168 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cyndee_2010 0
lemonkid44 0

sorry man. no sympathy for cheaters. you had to get caught eventually


gabbyh 0

no sympathy for a cheater. Especially one that is no good at hiding it.

if u were cheating... u deserved that one. if it was like ur sisters that got mixed up in the laundry or something (hey, my brothers underwear has ended up in my room before...) that sucks. hopefully all it turns into is brief awkwardness before an explanation xP

xsydbabyx 0

FAIL. Cheating is pointless. If you want to be a shallow asshole, break up then go screw however many you'd like. That way, you get the STDs. Not your girlfriend.

UltimateGIRness 16
L34H 0

hahahahahahahah damn dude that sucks I'd like pee my pants laughing if I was the girl. how could you forget what she was wearing though haha damn dude

you would die laughing if you found out your boyfriend has been cheating on you not 30 sec after finishing having sex with him?? Really?? You would really find that shit funny??? You should have your brain checked

#56, well frickin said. OP, go eat bleach.

seriously? not only you were cheating... you coulndt even remember which underwear you took off your girlfriend 30 min ago... how ******* pathetic... go suck a dick...

happycat_fml 0

For those who are giving him the benefit of the doubt, I feel like he would have specified if he was innocent, but since he didn't, I think it's safe to infer that he was cheating...

tdawgheath 0

You cheating asshole And 59, it was probably only 50 seconds ago...he's obviously retarded so I'd bet he'd forget in that amount of time.

nanny1023 0