By prayforme - 11/11/2009 01:52 - United States

Today, I woke up next to the girl I had drunk intercourse with last night. Before we got it on, I noticed a package of birth control pills on her nightstand. Because of this, I felt no need to use a condom, or pull out. When I woke up, I noticed those "pills" were actually a makeup case. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 053
You deserved it 63 250

Same thing different taste

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SMG227 0



u shoulda jerked off, jus like ur father should have

I Lol'd. Not gonna lie. You deserved it retard

Next time, before you drink write condom on your head. When the girl asks why that is you remember to put on a condom. Really people, why telling him to pay more attention during sex ed, he was just drunk.. I don't know how many people remember their sex ed lessons when you're drunk. I, for one, don't.

I have to wonder, since the OP didn't even consider STDs/STIs, if he already has one and is one of those serial spreaders. Since this is the internet and it's pretty impossible to get all the details without the OP replying to every question, I think this is a fair possibility, haha. In any case, you completely deserve it, OP, for not using a condom and for assuming that she was on the pill. What if it wasn't even her room? You didn't know her, so it could've been someone else's pill case - if it had been pills. The fact that it wasn't doesn't make it any less foolish of you for not asking and not wearing a rubber.

scabrakazaam 0

Wow, you so deserve getting an STD. Always ask before not using a condom. Why is it pregnancy that everyones so worried about? 1/4 of people have an STD...

spaz4always 0

Ever heard of pre-ejaculation? Pull out method = ineffective most of the time.

congratulations, what are you going to name your kid?

alexxss_fml 10

soooooooo when's the baby due?

igotnerve 0

better start thinkin of baby names....