By prayforme - 11/11/2009 01:52 - United States

Today, I woke up next to the girl I had drunk intercourse with last night. Before we got it on, I noticed a package of birth control pills on her nightstand. Because of this, I felt no need to use a condom, or pull out. When I woke up, I noticed those "pills" were actually a makeup case. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 052
You deserved it 63 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SMG227 0


Sparkiee93 3

It was just yesterday, you still have time, your local Planned Parenthood, ask for "Plan B", and I mean NOW you only have around 75 hours after intercourse! GO! GO! GO! GO!

moonlit_manga 0

stupidity is a choice,choose wisely. ydi. haha you have a Super Tiny Dinosaur (STD) (jk on acranym) seriously morning after pill or in the phone book I believe there are free abortion lines....idk. (for future repliers don't go all political because I mentioned abortion.) dumb ass. don't have drunk sex....

Moral of the story? I'll leave you to figure that one out?

xoluvinshayxo 0

lol #55 ydi. no glove no love lard o' tard (;

YFDI for not putting on a condom in the first place. she probably had an STD stupid

yeahreally 6

omg the comments on this are the BEST i have ever read in response to someones utter and complete stupidity. #9, 11 and 17 ftw!! i lol'd a lot at "oh the joyyy!"

Lightz_Camera_Me 0

YDI for being the worlds biggest ass Fact: Birth control is not 100% effective and does not prevent the contractin of an STD Fact: Never have drunk sex, a person cannot consent to anything while under the influence Fact: Your an idiot