By mike oxsmall - 16/06/2011 05:42 - United States

Today, I woke up to a burglar holding a gun. He yelled at me to get up so I did. He then paused and laughed. I was sleeping naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 052
You deserved it 6 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThatFatGuyBehind 3

How small was it for him to be laughing during a burgalery.

hellogoodbye1996 6

did he tell you to put clothes on?


Be happy you are a guy. I doubt that, if your were a naked woman, he just would have laughed.

that's not entirely true. the burgeler may have been gay. it's bad to assume things.

sxe_beast 11

I've seriously never heard of a gay burglar. *Adds being burglarized to list of fantasies*

sillyjb 9

true if he were gay laughter would have been ok. um straight not so much lol

sxe_beast 11

I wouldn't be a good burglar. I would pay too much attention to the decor.

I have that same issue sometimes.. well.. during summer I sleep naked, but with a sheet over me, but I worry what I'll do if my parents try to get me out during a fire or something... thinking about it ends up putting me to sleep.

Hah that's exactly what I think, I'm always scared that if I sleep naked they'll rush in and tickle me or something (my parents are weird).

i have actually been in a situation a bit...similar. I was taking a shower when an earthquake started so we all ran out to the street.. I didn't get a chance to put clothes on. the whole street knew me as that one kid who ran out naked haha

jackiemoonthepro 5

at least your gun wasn't loaded ;)

awsm44 0

or was it? the story isn't complete...

exactly. I'd much rather be laughed at by a burglar than laughed at, and then shot.

Seems you were having a a very bad day OP, walk into any glass doors or anything after this? FYL, Although the burglar's laughing wouldn't have been the biggest issue in comparison to the fact OP had a gun in his face it still would have been pretty humiliating, you have my sympathy. I hope the burglar got caught, though I'm sure he already got more than he bargained for with that view.

Well he definitely wasn't going to Rob you of that. >...>

Obviously seeing that you had the time to write this FML you didn't get shot. F the burglar's Life..he didn't get jack shit!

RedPillSucks 31

maybe if you were small enough he'd feel bad enough to leave all your stuff. FYL