By becca - 29/10/2012 03:39 - United States

Today, I woke up to a gift from my boyfriend: a Playboy magazine with a Post-It note that said, "Just a reminder that you're easily replaceable." I think he's still mad at me for beating him on X-box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 063
You deserved it 3 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kultyre 7

Leave a ***** with a post it note on it reminding him he's easily replaceable as well.

A girl who plays video games and is good at them? He's a lucky guy...


Ps love my Xbox 360 with kinect my Nintendo NES and my saga genesis!!!

As said already - either leave a ***** on his bed with "You are easily replaceable too" or do not talk at all and dump him. If the man-child does not realize, what is life all about, you are doing both of us a favor.

He's just mad you weren't beating him instead. And no, I don't mean on the Xbox.

Jinxx7 0

Is he threatening you? That's a jackass move. If I was you I'd break up with his ass.

He did that just because you beat him on X-box? Wow what a sore loser.

You can tell this is a cry for attention because nobody who plays video games would say they beat someone "on X-box."

Twisted_Angel 17

Remind him that he's easily replaceable too.

I will probably get lots of thumbs down for that , but he should have shown her texts of other girls or something like that instead. Seeing a playboy magasine basically says..."I can't get other girls, without you all I have is jacking off so you could literally control me as much as you want"

NagainaFier 16

Run, OP, just run. If his ego is so minuscule that you're labeled 'replaceable' by beating him in a video game, he's clearly too much of a little kid to be in a relationship. Get out while you still can (and replace him with a real man).