By Ohshit - 17/05/2009 06:42 - United States

Today, I woke up to a hand rubbing my very erect penis, and a woman's peppermint breath in my ear. "Mom?" I called out instinctively, recalling how she always smells like peppermint. The hand stopped rubbing, and I turned to face my very disgusted looking girlfriend of three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 408
You deserved it 92 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dmipotc 0

how often does your mom rub your "very erect penis"? ur instinctive reaction freaks me out


AleshiaLouise 0

haha . oh my ! I agree with numberr , 12 . good answerr.

awesomedude09 0

A lot of people here are freaked out by your reaction to waking up like that but I think it makes sense. The sense of smell is supposed to have the best memory out of all the senses, and that includes touch. So since you smelled the peppermint, it brought up memories of your mom rather than memories of your girlfriend because someone was rubbing your dick.

mylifesucks97 0

Your mom used to **** you?!

raquelbrooke3 0

you are a total ass. if u dont like ur gf then break up with her. dont call her ugly. If i were her i would be out that door ina hear beat. You are a sick person and u have so many problems i cant even begin to describe them.

omg people he said it was the peppermint honestly if someone was waking me it doesnt matter if they are spanking my butt, if im groggy i will call my mom first ; it's instinctive she has woken me up for years and years and this guy said the peppermint reminded him too if you;re groggy anything can come out of your mouth and for me it's usually mom too but you guys are just going overboard it's embarrassing but it's not incestuous sheeshhh

Diligent17 4

Whoa dude, I feel so bad for ya. At least ur sense of smell was leading to a memory of your mom. Sadly it was seriously the wrong time. Hope your girlfriend understands this confusion.

gingermonster16 0

That is extremely akward. Shit, that's all I've got to say.

mom? seriously? ffs man get a grip FYL