By nopissleft - 20/12/2013 21:05 - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, I woke up to a loud crashing in the middle of the night. I went to investigate, but found nothing amiss. Nothing except an axe firmly wedged in my front door, that is. It's safe to say that I have no clue who did it, and that I needed a fresh pair of underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 019
You deserved it 2 925

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Officer, somebody embedded an axe in my door and then peed in my underwear"


Have you heard any kid say redrum lately?

SkyGuy32 17

Maybe not. "No, Timmy, that's not how we knock on a door."

yea I'd be in my house calling the cops everyone saying go out in the middle.of the night and knock on your neighbors doors y'all are crazy.

kathryn14 19

I wouldn't say it's safe to say anything, at all..

Call the police let us hope they will find finger prints

You seriously think the police are going to fingerprint an Axe in someone's door? They'll probably say, "Call back when it's in your head."

jazzy_123 20

well I'm assuming whoever threw it used their hands... hands have fingers, fingers have fingerprints... so yes, I do think the police will find fingerprints on the axe, and they will help him because it's not everyday someone throws an axe at your door..

Well #1 beat my phrase... Better then a machete chainsaw clawed hand or a knife right?

mxij 13

And it shall remain there to signify war until it is settled. Until then, I recommend, changing before you get a rash

Looks like someone is trying to send you a message... or your neighbours just might have a weird sense of humor! Either way, RUN!